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sapphire concave lens



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Sapphire Lenses >> Sapphire Concave Lens
  Sapphire Concave Lens
  With one concave surface and one plane surface, Plano-Concave Lenses have negative focal lengths. 
Sapphire concave lenses are ideal for light projection and expanding an optical system’s focal length.
We have developed super polishing process which enables us to fabricate Sapphire concave Lenses with tighter manufacturing tolerances.
sapphire lens
  Specifications of Sapphire Concave Lens
  • Material: Optical grade single Sapphire crystal
  • Diameter: >1.0mm
  • Radius: >1.0mm
  • Dimension Tolerance: ±0.1mm
  • Thickness: >1mm
  • Thickness Tolerance: ±0.1mm
  • Surface Quality S/D: 40/20
  • Focal Length Tolerance: +/- 5% @ 633nm
  • Centration: <3’
  • Clear Aperture: >85%
Sapphire Lenses for medical optics, laser optics, and imaging applications
sapphire lens
meniscus sapphire lens      


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Keywords: Sapphire Windows, Sapphire Lens, Sapphire Light Guides, Sapphire Balls, Sapphire Rods, Sapphire Prisms, Jewel Bearings, Sapphire Tube
Copyright © 2011 HYT Sapphire Optics Co., Ltd.