sapphire optics
Sapphire Balls



sapphire balls  
Sapphire Products >> Sapphire Balls
  Sapphire Ball Lens & Hemispherical Lens
  Sapphire is ideal material for ball lens because of its excellent transmission bandwidths between the UV and IR at 0.15-5.5µm and high refractive index of 1.75. Ball lens out of sapphire exhibits exceptional performance like mechanical, optical, thermal and chemical robustness.  
Sapphire ball can be made with drilled holes, ground into hemispherical lenses and drum ball lenses. Sapphire ball can be antireflection (AR) coated to minimize reflection for optical applications.
Typical applications of precision sapphire ball include fiber communication, flow meters, rotameters, bar code readers, check valves and laser measurements systems.
  Specifications of Sapphire Ball Lens
  • Diameter: 1.0 ~ 150.0mm
  • Diameter tolerance: ±0.001mm
  • Sphericity: 0.003mm
  • Clear Aperture: >90%
  • Roundness: 0.003~0.005
  • Surface Quality: 40/20, 20/10
  • Surface accuracy: <2λ

Sapphire windows sapphire lenses

Keywords: Sapphire Windows, Sapphire Lens, Sapphire Light Guides, Sapphire Balls, Sapphire Rods, Sapphire Prisms, Jewel Bearings, Sapphire Tube
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