sapphire optics
cup jewel bearing



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Sapphire Products >> Jewel Bearings >> Cup Jewel Bearing
Cup Jewel Bearing
Cup jewel bearings are generally used in vertical shaft applications.
HYT Sapphire Optics offers high quality Cup jewel bearings for wide industrial applications such as electronic meter, hot water meter, liquid measuring instrument, movement system of single-phase, and triphase KHW meter.
HYT Sapphire Optics has the capability of creating high precision cup jewels as per customer’s specifications from Sapphire or Ruby.
Common types of cup jewels include spherical cup jewel bearing, conical cup jewel bearing, single cup jewel bearing and double cups jewel bearing. 
Common Types of Cup Jewel Bearings
Single cup jewel bearing
Double cups jewel bearing
Double cups jewel bearing
conical jewel bearing
  Single cup jewel bearing   Double cups jewel bearing   Double cups jewel bearing   Conical cup jewel bearing

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Keywords: Sapphire Windows, Sapphire Lens, Sapphire Light Guides, Sapphire Balls, Sapphire Rods, Sapphire Prisms, Jewel Bearings, Sapphire Tube
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